




  • address

    (14662) M206, Maria Pavilion, 43, Jibong-ro, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
  • hours of operation

    9:00 am-5:00 pm (lunch 12:00-1:00 pm)
  • tel

    +82 2 2164 4519

About the Department

Public administration is a discipline that designs a better future by discovering various public problems that exist in society and finding solutions to them. Based on this, the Department of Public Administration at Catholic University aims to 'foster public sector talents with the highest level of expertise and competence in Korea'. The department's programs have been recognized as being among the top 10 in the country, including winning an 'Award' in the 2017 National Evaluation of Public Administration Departments (JoongAng Ilbo). Using the professional knowledge and skills acquired through the department's programs, our graduates are actively working in the public sector, such as the civil service, public enterprises, and non-profit organizations, as well as in academic fields such as research institutes and universities, and in various private sectors.

The goals of the Department of Public Administration are as follows.

  • Problem analysis and solution skills : Cultivate excellent analysis and solution skills for social and public issues
  • Job management capabilities : Strengthen management capabilities in policy, organization, human resources, finance, budgeting, and accounting required in the public sector
  • Global Competence : Cultivating global competence to thrive in an era of globalization
  • Ethical Professionals: Fostering a holistic community of character and intellect

Major Course Guide

Year 1 │ Introduction to Public Administration

Public administration is the study of the conditions, methods, and systems of good government. By understanding the interests and scope of public administration as a modern study of good government, and by studying the theories of public administration that are essential to the operation of government, such as government organization, human resource management, and financial management, students will gain a better understanding of the characteristics of modern government and government operations.

Year 2 │ Public Organization Theory

Modern society is composed of various organizations. This course develops practical management skills by learning theories on the formation and structure of organizations, the behavior and attitudes of organizational personnel, organizational management techniques, and theories and case studies necessary for the effective and efficient operation of organizations.

Year 3 │ Policy AnalysisEvaluation Theory

Policies are the decisions we make as a community to create a desirable future for our society. Students will learn how to analyze which policies are more effective and reasonable to create a better world, how to evaluate whether the implemented policies have really worked, and apply them to real policies.

Year 4 │ Public Enterprise Theory

Public enterprises are public organizations that are operated to carry out national policies and provide administrative services. This course provides students with theories related to public corporations, the role of public corporations in national development and policy implementation, the provision of public services by public corporations, the operation of public corporations, and effective public corporation management.


특수교육과 동문회 장학금특수교육과 동문회 장학금을 보여주는 표
Year 1 Introduction to Public Administration, Public Administration and Microeconomics, Public Administration and Macroeconomics
Year 2 Public Organization Theory, Public Finance, Human Resources Administration, Research Methods, Econometrics, Introduction to Policy Studies, Administrative Law
Year 3 Korean Government, Policy Analysis Evaluation Theory, Police Administration, Medical and Health Policy, Urban Administration, Local Government
Year 4 Social Policy, Media Policy, ODA Policy, Public Enterprise, Cultural Policy, Strategic Planning, Public Administration Capstone Design, Public Administration Long Term Fieldwork

Academic Activities

Society for Collegiate Administration
  • History : Established in 2013, cumulative number of members about 360
  • Major Activities: Academic and social exchanges between seniors and juniors, current affairs discussions, major studies, excursions, MT, exchanges with other administrative societies and mock state affairs teams, etc.
  • Awards : Won two awards (silver, bronze) in the Korean Public Administration Association's Mock State Affairs Competition, and held a mock state affairs competition at the 'Administrator's Night' event held every November.
  • Eligibility: All freshmen in the International Law and Canon Law program are eligible to join, even if they do not belong to the public administration department.

Departmental Talent

  • Talent with strategy and planning skills for a rapidly changing environment
  • People with exceptional organizational skills
  • Talent for future value-creating leadership

High School Courses Related to Major

High School Courses Related to Majortable for High School Courses Related to Major
General Electives Career Electives
Politics and Law, Society and Culture, Ethics and Thought, Life and Ethics, World History, East Asian History, etc. Exploring social issues, classics and ethics, etc.

Careers after Graduation

Careers after Graduationtable for Careers after Graduation
Education & Research Professors, researchers, and university staff
Enterprise Employees of large corporations and financial institutions
Institutions and organizations Government and municipal officials, public companies, and public sector employees
Professions Lawyers, customs officers, appraisers, broadcasters and journalists
Other Startup

Subject-Related Certifications

FP (Asset Manager), Derivatives Investment Counselor, Securities Investment Counselor, Fund Investment Counselor, Computerized Accounting Level 1, Policy Analysis Evaluator, AFPK, CFP, Investment Asset Manager, Financial Investment Analyst, Financial Risk Manager, Computerized Taxation Level 1, etc.s